Covid-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

Click Below to Jump to that Section

 Important local updates national links

  government site for information which most links go to CDC

FDA Timeline Announcements
View all Presidential Executive Orders



The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed guidance on treatment of COVID-19external icon, which is regularly updated as new evidence on treatment options emerges.
American Journal of Medicine stufy on Ivermectin 12.2022

Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19

For additional information on how you can prevent, treat, or help fight COVID-19, visit



Governor Abbots Timeline & Orders
Dallas County main public speaker who is making orders is Judge Jenkins.
Dallas County Information Update Site 

Collin Counties main speaker on orders for all the cities is Judge Chris Hill 
Collin County Information & Updates Site

City of Dallas official update page from city hall.
City of Plano official update page with statistics on number infected/deaths. 
          Hotline available at 972-941-5922
City of Allen Website  COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information.
          We haven't heard much from city of Allen most likely due to having a
          new interim mayor. 

The Community Impact Newspaper is very impressive with their up to the minute coverage on each cities orders, restaurants and a list of how you can help in DFW.

See end of page for more on what orders mean, maps and models. 

 Difference between CDC and W.H.O.




 Sign Up Alerts COVID-19    Link to receive messages from the WHO Health Alert on WhatsApp

The C.D.C. is a branch of the United States government and answers to the president, Congress and the courts. It is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. View organization information.                                                                                                           


  W.H.O. is a United Nations agency and answers to an annual assembly of the world’s health ministers.The World Health Organization cannot “overrule” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention because they are separate agencies. 

Both make recommendations based on expert advice. In general, the C.D.C. relies on advice from its internal experts. 


Both make recommendations based on expert advice. W.H.O. convenes panels of independent experts from around the world. 

 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).  


  Fake News fact checkers 

FAKE/False NEWS + Businesses offering free software from zdnet a longstanding site that analyzes trends in technologies.
Other sites decipher rumor & hoaxes: buzzfeed, the guardian, Snopes, NY Times
Please use commons sense and compare different sites when using sites like the above. Most on this page are from the official sites directly

Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors from the CDC.   

Relief Check Scams to Be Aware of

As part of the federal response to the coronavirus, the government is sending out relief checks to individuals. But the FTC warns that scammers may be hoping to cash in on yours. Below are some tips for spotting and avoiding relief check scams.

1. "Sign-up" Scams

There is nothing to sign up for. Anyone calling to ask for your personal information is a scammer, plain and simple. Also be on the lookout for email phishing scams, where scammers pretend to be from the government and ask for your information as part of the "sign-up" process for the checks.

2. Direct Deposit Scams

To set up direct deposit of your check, communicate only with the IRS. The IRS has set up an online form to enter your payment information, available at You only need to do this if you did not give the IRS your bank information on your 2018 or 2019 return.

3. Early Access Scams

The timeline for this process is not exact, but it looks like funds dispersed by paper check will start going out in early May. Scammers are using the lack of detail to try to trick people into giving their personal information and money. To get official updates and more information on when you can expect your check, visit the IRS's page on economic impact payments.

4. Fake Check Scams

Reports say that paper checks – for people without direct deposit – will start arriving in May at the earliest. So, if you get an economic impact payment, stimulus, or relief check before then, or you get a check when you're expecting a direct deposit, it could be a scam. Use the IRS payment tracker to check the status of your payment and confirm whether the check is legitimate.

5. Overpayment Scams

If you get an official-looking check for more than what you were expecting, the next call you're likely to get is from a scammer. They'll tell you to keep your $1,200 payment, and return the rest by sending cash, gift cards, or money transfers. It's a scam that will leave you owing money to your bank.

6. "Access" or "Verify" Payment Scams

Scammers are sending official-looking messages – including postcards with a password to be used online to "access" or "verify" your payment or direct deposit information. The IRS will not contact you to collect your personal information or bank account. It's a scam.

Remember: The IRS will never call, text, or email asking for your personal information.

New Coronavirus-Related Scams

Common Coronavirus Scams and How to Avoid Them

Scammers Want Your Relief Check

Grandparent Scams and COVID-19


 CDC Infographs, Videos, Links & Checklists 

CDC Centers of Disease Control and Prevention  
FAQ from the CDC site

3/27/20 Apple created a new COVID-19 website, and COVID-19 app available on the App Store, created in partnership with the CDC,1the White House Coronavirus Task Force and FEMA 

2/11/20 the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”.

There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses. COVID-19 is a new disease, caused be a novel (or new) coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. The name of this disease was selected following the World Health Organization (WHO) best practiceexternal icon for naming of new human infectious diseases.


                        From the CDC updated links below:
Updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. The COVID-19 Outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated on the COVID-19 Situation Summary as it becomes available.


      Take steps to protect others                 

After exposure you will be contagious and can infect others BEFORE you even have the first symptom while some individuals will be carriers without any symptoms at all. For others symptoms appear 2-14 days after exposure.

Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care, wear a facemask to prevent infecting others. See section on finding items in need for diy face masks that we found provides the most  protection plus other tips. Learn what to do from the CDC what to do if you are sick.

Sick or not, Symptoms or not, Protect others!
Cover coughs and sneezes by pulling your shirt out and sneezing inside your shirt. It's been shown especially in kids when coughing/sneezing they are not putting face close enough to elbow to block droplets. 

Throw used tissues in the trash.

Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.



 Infograph with Statistics
from other countries from 3/20 

 CDC Checklist for Home

CDC (Download Checklist) OR go to CDC site to Create a household plan of action (see our emergency prep checklist at bottom)

 How to Remove Gloves

*If you do wear gloves please remember anything you touch is now on your gloves. When removing them grasp at the outside of the glove near the wrist pulling glove off and into a ball with the gloved hand then place your now glove free hand on the inside of the gloved hand pulling away from you all the way off until it's inside out so both gloves will now be enclosed into a ball then dispose into trash.



 *Resources for Businesses*


Additionally, recommended strategies for employers from the CDC can found at this link.

 SUMMARY OF CARE BENEFITS BELOW is the governments site for information.

Below from US RepresenativeTexas Congressman of the 3rd District Van Taylor CLICK HERE to go to site

 Financial Assistance for Businesses Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program  to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the coronavirus.
 You can also learn more about the 3-step-process here.
Small businesses in Collin County can apply for relief here.
Direct link to Economic Injury Disaster Loans/Advance Application

 Other SBA Loans SBA provides a number of loan resources for small businesses to utilize when operating their business.
For more information on loans or how to connect with a lender, visit the SBA website.
Direct Link to apply updated.

 Advance Funds from Treasury Department The United States Department of Treasury will provide advance funds to businesses    Learn more here

SBA disaster assistance customer service center. Call 1-800-659-2955 or e-mail • Visit for more information.

Unemployment Benefits

Learn more about filing unemployment due to the COVID pandemic.
Go direct to filing application here
TxWorkforce Tutorial

Flowchart of UI Claims (Larger Version)

This flow chart represents the options for individuals in search of assistance. If you’ve already been approved for benefits you do not need to do anything. If you are eligible or newly eligible, apply online. If you are a non-traditional applicant, apply online and then wait for a notification about pandemic unemployment assistance. If you have exhausted your benefits, wait for a notification via mail or email, you may then be eligible for an additional 13 weeks of benefits. The additional $600 in benefits allies to all who qualify, no additional action is needed.

Independent Contractors/Self-Employed
If you are effected by COVID19 you might qualify for other funds learn more here.
Recent articles related:
Washington Post
The Balance Careers

Other Good Informational Links:
WFAA Jason Wheeler has a lot of Q&A from the Texas Workforce article here
Taxbot Blog also has this Q&A about the SBA Loans
Look into what benefits you have as a Texan
Job Listings - Monster, Carerrbuilder, 
Texans Credit Union 800.843.5295 to make a Skip-A-Pay request

Article from The Penny Hoarder

Article from Smart Assets has a great breakdown and calculators of the different options, see chart below and for full article click here.


 Real Estate Industry + Safety Tips 


The difference between Feb & March


See all counties/updates on my Stats page


Compare to last year

Resources from- CCAR,, CRES, NAR
GoOptionPay and Zoccam
Covid-19 Certification_for_Property_Access
Covid-19 Amendment to Extend Closing
Dallas County Rules for Agents
NAR Survey of Behavior


Listings in a COVID-19 Reality - Our new reality of social distancing and business closures doesn’t mean a home can not be sold. There are ways we can help clients sell their homes and buyers purchase many of which we've used in the past for our out of state investors or relocation clients. For example Virtual showings, paperless transactions, and more.
Dallas County Rules for Agents

With the sometimes daily changes in the real estate and mortgage industry we want to give you the most up to date information so we are offering a no pressure zoom or phone consult to review your specific situation to assist in developing a new plan of action, timeline and hopefully answer some questions to ease any stress. 

Call me direct at 214-682-5009 press 1
Email me, Save my contact informaton or
Schedule phone consult, virtual or live appointment


Coronavirus: Resources for Property Owners

What sellers can do to protect themselves if their home is being shown while still living in home:

  • Put out a basket like I did below with gloves, shoe covers, hand sanitizer, masks and trash sack.
  • Put several hand sanitizer bottles throughout house.
  • Open all doors before the showing.
  • Request the buyer watch a detailed walk thru video of the home to ensure it fits their criteria.
  • Request pre-qualification status from buyers agent.
  • Lysol knobs countertops faucets after showing.
  • Other Seller Resources click here



What buyers can do to protect themselves and protect the seller:


  • Only bring the necessary decision makers to view the home.
  • If you have children either take turns with mom and dad viewing the home or carry your children.  Kiddos just can't help touching everything especially if you tell them not to since their impulse control is not fully developed.
  • Carry gloves or keep your hands in your pockets.
  • Put on shoe covers or plastic bags.
  • View the home on google satelite walk the streets with little yellow google dude.Review MLS sheet closely noting what level items are on.  Ask your Realtor to ensure it fits all your criteria. Drive thru the neighborhood before the showing.Search online for any walk thru videos of the home by typing the address in google. Have your realtor walk thru the home with you on facetime, zoom or skype.
  • View other home Buyer Resources here

Inspections- from Clayton Bailey at Green Scene Home Inspections

Know that we are open and adapting. We have measures in place to help ensure everyone's safety - including our signature video inspection (not new, but even more useful these days!). 214.796.7707


Potential Impact on Property Taxes
Property tax reform legislation passed in 2019 lowers the amount most cities and counties may increase property tax rates year-to-year without voter approval from 8% to 3.5%. However, a governor-declared disaster could allow that amount to stay at 8%. Texas REALTORS® continues to monitor this and other issues relevant to Texas real estate.
Collin County Property Taxes (read full alert) and Protest as of 4/6/20 state the following: 2020 APPRAISAL NOTICE AND PROTEST PROCESS EXTENDED see my Property Tax and Protest pages for details.

This is an older video but I think it does relate slightly to this in that a recession does not automatically equal a housing recession.



JVM download their app here for up to date blog posts, current rates, calculators and news
Weekly Blogs - Forbearance Confusion; Refis Dominate Market; Purchases Still; JVM 
 April 1, 2020
Market Update & Recomendations from Supreme Lending March 23, 2020

Mortgage Relief during COVID-19 Pandemic Article
COVID-19/Mortgage Industry Update from JVM March 18, 2020 

Mortgage Rates Barely Move;  Fed Cuts Rates to Zero JVM  March 16, 2020

 Stay Connected from Home for Free

Free internet & more

Zoom free

How to use Zoom


Google Hangouts free to use

How to use hangouts click here.


Teams from Microsoft

How to use Teams click here


Tips for Working from Home

Which Video Conferencing App is Best for You?

Spending Your Time at Home Productively

Fun Activities to do at Home with Your Kids


Best paid video conferencing software at a glance

  1. GoToMeeting
  2. CyberLink U Meeting
  3. Zoom Meetings
  4. BlueJeans
  5. Lifesize
  6. Google Hangouts Meet

#StayHome: How to Create Functional Spaces in Your Home During the Outbreak 


 PISD Information/Resources, Schedule, Videos
Plano ISD
Information and resources.
Direct to the FAQ
Click the apple below for each grade level instructions.

Phone: 469-752-8767  

PISD 2020/2021 Covid Case Student/Staff Updates





Transition To New Digital Platform

 We are planning for movement to a new digital learning platform should the school closures extend beyond April 3.

Elementary Academics, PK-5th Grade, Student Resources


Secondary Academics, 6th-12th Grade, Student Resources





Yoga for Beginners | Teens Yoga Class with Yoga Ed. A 15-minute teens yoga class for beginners with Yoga Ed, created for ages 13-18. Discover more classes for children and teens:

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems! Episode 02 The Kennedy Center




 Family Resources

SeaWorld offering free access to their online learning program.

Tools to help parents and caregivers keep kids focused and learning at home.

Media recommendations for entertainment
Hand-picked, age-appropriate media suggestions to keep the whole family engaged.

Best Music Apps and Games for Kids

New Kids' TV Shows

50 Books All Kids Should Read Before They're 12

Best Family Movies

Common Sense Selections highlighting the best movies and TV shows

Sibling Watch-Together TV

Best Documentaries for Kids and Families


PreK Family Activities

Kindergarten Family Activities

1st Grade Family Activities

2nd Grade Family Activities

3rd Grade Family Activities

4th Grade Family Activities

5th Grade Family Activities


Free Online Resources for Students & Families 

 While there are many free resources being shared for students, the following is a list of websites that best support PISD online learning.

Title: Epic * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): PK-6
Content: All
Description: Digital books across curricular areas
Title: Newsela 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: All
Description: Digital text of current events
Title: Khan Academy 
Grade(s): PK-5
Content: All
Description: Expert-created content and resources for every course and level.
Title: IXL 
Grade(s): K-12
Content: All
Description: Online learning practice
Title: Teacher Created Materials (TCM) * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): K-12
Content: All
Description: Resources featuring practice, hands-on learning, and primary sources
Title: Watch, Know, Learn 
Grade(s): PK-12
Content: All
Description: Educational videos
Title: Cool Math 4 Kids 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: Math
Description: Math practice with games. Great brain teasers at the bottom of the home page.
Title: Plano Public Library * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): PK-12
Content: All
Description: All academic content: e-book, e-magazines, e-newspapers with library card
Title: Grammaropolis 
Grade(s): 3 - 5
Content: Literacy
Description: Grammar
Title: PBS Kids 
Grade(s): PK-5
Content: All
Description: Resources featuring practice, hands-on learning, and primary sources
Title: Scholastic online books * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): PK-5
Content: All
Description: Digital books across curricular areas, FREE until end of school year
Username: Learning20   Password: Clifford

Title: Bedtime Math 
Grade(s): PK-5
Content: Math
Description: Free national nonprofit that ignites kids' curiosity and learning by unleashing the fun in math.
Title: BrainPOP 
Grade(s): PK-5
Content: All
Description: Online learning practice
Title: National Geographic Kids 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: Science
Description: Videos, games, and explorations
Title: Wonderopolis 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: Science
Description: A bank of questions (Wonders) to jumpstart students' critical thinking
Title: Science Kids 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: Science
Description: Educational games
Title: Starfall 
Grade(s): PK
Content: All
Description: Educational games
Title: ABCYa 
Grade(s): PK-6
Content: All
Description: Educational games

Title: Studies Weekly * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): K-6
Content: Social Studies
Description: Explore history through primary source images and videos
Title: iCivics * Set-Up FREE Account
Grade(s): 3 - 12
Content: Social Studies
Description: Civic Learning through Games
Title: Kid Citizen 
Grade(s): K-5
Content: Social Studies
Description: Activities exploring Congress and civic engagement
Grade(s): PK-12
Content: Social Studies
Description: Activities and lesson to understand the impact of the 2020 Census
Title: The Newberry Library 
Grade(s): K-12
Content: Social Studies
Description: Explore historic maps
Title: ELA Games 
Grade(s): K-5
Students with dyslexia or tier 2-3
Content: Literacy
Description: Practice games for phonological awareness, letter knowledge, spelling, high-frequency words, etc.
 Secondary Student Resources from PISD  
NEXTDOOR is another good source of information about your community is Nextdoor. 

Here's the link to city of Allen reports in Nextdoor.
Join here if you haven't yet.



 Stress-management resources

I've practiced holistic care drawing from my RN background into my real estate practice to reduce stress on the family.
This is my playlist I offer to my clients for a Stress free zen move.  


How to Save on a Tight Budget

Laid Off During COVID-19? Take These Steps

5 Bills You Can Skip or Delay Now

Should I Take My Money Out of My Credit Union?


 Children and Handwashing

 Pets and COVID-19


  • A small number of pets worldwide, including cats and dogs, have been reportedexternal icon to be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, mostly after close contact with people with COVID-19.
  • CDC latest news releases regarding pets

 Maps of COVID-19 Locations, Statistics & Predictions
 Johns Hopkins Resource Center

This Interactive map of presumed positive tests plus airforce base and confirmed deaths. If map does not show below you can go directly to their site to view the other source people are getting numbers from go to the Texas Health and Human Services.

Coronavirus Resource Center


Track Reported Cases of COVID-19


Use interactive web-based map to track cases of the virus around the world 
Created by a team of data scientists, engineers, and designers in partnership with epidemiologists, public health officials, and political leaders to help understand how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect their region. for  states interactive.

Collin County Predictions


Other Trackers:

           Texas Official Sites Map (click below for most recent updates)

Active cases of COVID-19 in Plano 
Some dates below are excluded due to irregular reporting.


Active cases, Plano

Source: City of Plano/Community Impact Newspaper
Go To Newspaper for active graph

Tracking coronavirus in Texas FOX4 is tracking COVID-19 in Texas, breaking down each confirmed case by county. 


COVID-19 Cases in the U.S.

Click for map  Cases in U.S.  Situation Summary 

Christopher J.L. Murray 

Professor, IHME Director,

 Home Page of IHME



You can now ask siri "do I have COVID-19" the voice assistant will ask a series of questions plus get the apple app.

 Popular Hashtags being used:  #CoronaVirusUpdate #/covid-19  #Covid_19 #Covid19 #Coronavirus #COVID2019 #COVID2020 #BREAKING #CoronavirusOutbreak #HandHygiene #WashYourHands #2019_ncov #corona #NCOV19 #wuhanvirus #coronaviruses #StayHome #openhouse  #virtualopenhouse  #realestateisstillopen
#PISDPoweredbyLearning #BearHunt #IsolationFilmClub

#withme #ImDoingFineBecause #untiltomorrow #flattenthecurve #see10send10 

#seeapupsendapup #safehands  #QuarantineLife #QuarantineActivities #HighRiskCovid19


Texas Health and Human Services  launched a statewide mental health support line to help those experiencing anxiety, stress or emotional challenges during the pandemic.

The number is 833-986-1919 and it operates 24 hours a day free and confidential




My summary take on the below is Test 3 days after onset symptoms. Symptoms first appear usually 5 to 14 days AFTER EXPOSURE. Most contagious period is before symptoms appear.

At the beginning of any viral infection, including COVID-19, there is a period of time called the “latent period” when a person is infected, but is unable to transmit the virus to anyone else.
The average incubation period for COVID-19 is 5-6 days (although it can be up to 14 days), and researchers estimate that people become infectious 2-3 days before they develop symptoms.
Another study estimated that the probability of an infected person falsely testing negative on the day they contracted the virus was 100%, falling to 67% by day four of the infection. If they took a test on day five, the typical day people develop symptoms, the chance of a false negative result was 38%, dropping to 20% three days after the onset of symptoms (or day eight since exposure)



Plano/Allen, Texas Trails & Trail Maps | TrailLink


 Virtual Activities from surrounding cities
Local Guide Article 

In the wake of COVID-19, in-person gatherings have been cancelled, but that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out 


Engage with Play Frisco Through Virtual Programs

Go the Social Distance Virtual 5K
The "Go the social Distance" virtual 5K is a free run/walk designed to keep our community inspired to exercise and encouraged to engage socially online while we are safer at home. Gather your family and friends (virtually), follow social distancing rules, and have fun competing for bragging rights and recognition on Play Frisco social media as the fastest social "distancer."
Fitness Opportunities
Miss your favorite FAC instructors? They're producing videos and workout programs for you! Access these on the Frisco Athletic Center's Facebook news feed.
We've teamed up with Wellbeats online fitness program to give you access to an amazing lineup of workouts for free until April 30! You'll find something for every fitness level. Use access code 57a4df63 and don't miss a 'beat!'  
Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
Help us create an egg hunt in your neighborhood! Color this Easter Egg, cut it out, and hang it in a window of your home that faces the street before April 12. Then take a walk or a drive with your family to see how many eggs you can spot! Share pictures of your colored eggs on our Facebook page by tagging us @PlayFrisco or use #PlayFriscoEggHunt.
Adventures with Walnut the Squirrel
Think 'Flat Stanley' only close to home! Our mascot, Walnut, is having adventures (keeping a social distance) around Frisco. Print, color and cut out for an instant playmate. Show us your adventures on social media by tagging us @PlayFrisco and #PlayDateWithWalnut.
Play Frisco eSports League
NEW! Missing your rec league play? Register now through April 11 for our new rec eSports league! Create a profile, register (its free), and invite your friends! Play FIFA 20, Madden 20, NBA 20, NHL 20, Mario Kart, Rocket League and Super Smash Bros!
Frisco Nature Explorers
There's plenty of nature in your back yard and parks to explore (with social distancing). Watch our Facebook news feed for fun nature activities to do with the kids created by our Natural Resources experts. Grown up will enjoy them, too!
Have you played today?
It's more important now than ever! We're bringing you fun ways to play at home and in our parks right in our Facebook news feed! Try some creative activities like scavenger hunts, indoor fort building, and lots more. Show us how you're playing by tagging @PlayFrisco or using #PlayFrisco!
Heritage How-To's & The Adventures of Rock and TJ
The Frisco Heritage Museum is closed, but we're bringing you Heritage How-To's, tutorials on things you might want to make or learn with a twist on the past while you're in stay-at-home mode.
You also won't want to miss the antics of Rocky and T.J. who are stuck in the museum and up to no good!
Check out both on the Heritage Museums Facebook andInstagram news feeds.

Community Impact Newspaper is regularly contacting Plano businesses to learn more about how they are managing.

Restaurants and offerings

In addition to the above map of restaurants you can check on Facebook Groups for restaurant food packages:
Plano Foodies

Read more: Local Restaurants 


Bloody Mary Kit legacy hall plano

Bloody Mary Kit | Courtesy of Legacy Hall

Stay at Home - in the news


#BearHunt    The "Teddy Bear Hunt" is basically a social distancing-friendly scavenger hunt that anybody can take part in.

People around the world are putting their teddy bears in the windows of their homes for neighborhood kids to spot.


Read More: Bear Hunt Is Keeping Kids Safely Occupied During COVID-19 | 

Post a pic of your on Nextdoor with the tag so everyone in your neighborhood can see what streets have bears.


Working From Home
Many employees are being asked to work remotely. If you’re transitioning to a home office for the first time, it’s important to create a designated space for work … so it doesn’t creep into your home life, and vice versa. If you live in a small condominium or apartment, this may feel impossible. But try to find a quiet corner where you can set up a desk and comfortable chair. The simple act of separating your home and work spaces can help you focus during work hours and “turn off” at the end of the day. 

Of course, if you have children who are home with you all day (given many schools and daycares are now closed), separating your home and work life will be more difficult. Unless you have a partner who can serve as the primary caregiver, you will need to help manage the needs of your children while juggling work and virtual meetings.

If both parents are working from home, try alternating shifts, so you each have a designated time to work and to parent. If that’s not an option, experts recommend creating a schedule for your children, so they know when you’re available to play, and when you need to work.1 A red stop sign on the door can help remind them when you shouldn’t be disturbed. And for young children, blocking off a specific time each day for them to nap or have independent screen time can give you a window to schedule conference calls or work uninterrupted. Or you can do like I did and have certain times of the day where it's a party in moms office where we review our to do list for the day and of course give our furry friends some love before the work/school day starts. Read rest of article on making functional spaces on my blog.

City of Allen Life at Home

INTERESTS: Chalk Your Walk

chalk drawing of man, woman and child on a walk

Brighten your neighborhood by leaving creative

drawings and inspiring messages on your sidewalk!

Want to share? Use the hashtags #LIFEatHome and

#AllenTexas to share with friends across the city!

LEARNING: Get a Library Card

exterior photo of Allen Public Library Opens in new window

No library card? No problem! Sign up online to

access our huge collection of digital materials for kids
and adults.

EVENTS: Virtual Story Times

Two librarians hold a flannel board with cartoon cutouts of five pigs Opens in new window

FITNESS: Explore a New Trail

Dayspring Nature Preserve  Opens in new window

INTERESTS: Library Art Contest

color sketch of family walking through whimsical path of books and bubbles

Submit your drawing to our Library Art Contest in

honor of National Library Week!

FITNESS: Tips for Working Out at Home

YES! Stretch! Without stretching you could experience muscles tightening, joint pain and lose your r




                         Finding items in need



W.H.O. When and How to use a Face Mask

  • Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Cover mouth and nose with mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
  • Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
  • To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.     
    masks-5 masks-4 masks-6 masks-7


See YouTube Playlist  for the ones I found that provide the most coverage with the most support research listed.


                                 ARTICLES & OTHER LINKS 

Mortgage Relief during COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Home Products Designed With Worst Germs In Mind

#StayHome: How to Create Functional Spaces in Your Home During the Outbreak 

Download Emergency Preparation Checklist

8 DIY Projects to Tackle While You Shelter In Place



  • Negative covid test to re-enter US or
  • If you recently recovered from COVID-19 (see below), you may instead travel with documentation of recovery from COVID-19 (i.e., your positive COVID-19 viral test result on a sample taken no more than 90 days before the flight’s departure from a foreign country and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).


Documentation of recovery LETTER NEEDS TO HAVE THESE THINGS

 form of written documentation (paper or digital copy).

  1. Type of test (indicating it is a NAAT or antigen test, rapid antigen)
  2. Entity issuing the result (e.g., laboratory, healthcare entity, or telehealth service)
  3. Sample collection date
  4. Information that identifies the person (full name plus at least one other identifier such as date of birth or passport number)
  5. Test result
  6. Clears you to end isolation (saying clear to travel best but can say clear work, end isolation)
  7. Signed and dated on official letterhead containing name address & number of who's signing.



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