No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1 or 877-541-7905 or visit for community resources including food, health, housing and more. Save this number, 43362, in your phone today so you'll be able to find a safe space to shelter during a disaster.
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If you’re like me and got rid of all live tv then this radio station is the live radio for alerts and weather for our area.
Emergency Management Resource Links
Make a Plan - The governments Ready plans, tips, apps...
Plan Ahead for Disasters |
Survival kit:
Shop prepared kits from the Red Cross here.
Emergency agencies recommend having a kit ready with items that will help you survive and recover from a disaster.
Get Prepared
Get Prepared is an app that helps you connect with your key support people, accomplish simple tasks to make you and your loved ones safer, and protect the things that matter most to you.
"Thinking through some of this in advance can make you feel less stressed and give you some control in a situation that is often out of control."
You should keep your kit in a handy place, in a container or bag that's big enough to add extra items when you're responding to a specific disaster.
Some basic items to include:
- Radio: battery-powered, wind-up or solar-powered radio. Mark on the dial the frequencies of ABC Radio and other local services.
- Light: a waterproof torch is good, and consider a backup windup version that doesn't need batteries, plus candles with waterproof matches or glow sticks.
- Drinking water: consider having 10 litres per person to last three days.
- Food: dried and long-life food to last three days, include a can opener and utensils.
- Spare batteries for all devices (check batteries every six months).
- Toiletries including soap, handwash gels, alcohol wipes, toilet paper, tissues, toothpaste and sanitary items.
- Cash: enough to meet basic needs for a few days.
- First aid kit and guide book.
- Waterproof bags for valuable items and documents
- Copies of essential documents like prescriptions and insurance details. You can also store this on a portable hard drive, give a copy to a trusted person, and/or upload to cloud-based storage.
- Your written bushfire, cyclone, flood or emergency survival plan, including contact numbers of family or neighbours.
- Protective blankets and clothing suitable for likely emergencies in your area like long-sleeved natural-fibre shirts for bushfire areas, protective footwear or rubber boots in flood areas. Sunscreen, insect repellent and wide-brimmed hats are also useful.
Set a yearly reminder on your phone or calendar to check your emergency kit.
If you need to relocate, include:
- Prescription medications
- Toiletries and a change of clothes
- Mobile phone charger
- ATM cards and credit cards
- Important documents or valuables including passports, wills, photos, jewellery, insurance papers or mementoes
Don't forget people with special needs in your family:
- Mobility aids
- Nappies and supplies for infants
- Encourage children to pack familiar things that will bring them comfort in times of stress like a favourite toy
- Items to keep your pets comfortable including a leash, basket, travelling cage and pet food